Чудеса случаются там, где в них верят.

Вот такое вот письмо, массовой рассылкой, получили пользователи на сайте.
Я оставила ники только главных героев.:) Остальные я заменила на "Name-nik".
Читаем. Тык!

In regarding of situation

Dear Madam and sirs!

I'm sorry for my long absence and slow reaction on what is happened last days.

Today I had read all documents, included threads, post replies, PMs, emails
and MSN-logs. I had analyzed the situation in common and i feel I have a duty
to write this PM with true reasons to all who was directly or accidentally involved
in current issue, as well to all who has a position here and who should know
the reasons of actions by Administration of SMB in common (SuperAdministrator,
Administrator, moderators and valuable members of SMB).

I will not use your time to go in problem very detailed, but i write exactly reasons,
which caused the actions on SMB from Administration. Before it i have to notice
that it is not first time on SMB: lie to staff-team to avoid the moderation work here
or to avoid the responsibility of having an own forum, slander about other people, building against
each others on MSN by accusing words, involving private life in work of SMB, giving
knowledge for people about private life of someone even if the person doesn't want to
hear it, malicious actions and offensively suggestions from human point of view on private email,
PM or via MSN without caring about private life of other people but caring about own
reputation and own feelings.

My aim in this PM is stopping it in finally. My duty as site owner and as Christian
announce you about it.

- I got offensive bisexual relationship suggested via PM, via private email and via MSN
from our valuable member SvetLanka. I had rejected her actions towards me and after it by words
of SvetLanka bisexual suggestion was towards Name-nik and, by words of SvetLanka, Name-nik had accepted it.
We have translated MSN-logs Russian-German, journal of Lesbian relationship with other people
in SvetLanka's life as proof who is her, and this logs with proofs, pictures etc are in police, have been brought
by my parents and ready for court.

SvetLanka gave me presents and asked my right home-address to visit me and i had rejected it many times
because i knew why she is willing to come in my house and as she told she plans to come to Name-nik personally
and she has her full right identity and valid home address for it. Else if SvetLanka will not able to come
to Name-nik, Name-nik wants come to her.
I moved to another apartment not only because of this reasons, and parents supported me with it.
I will never give out my new address now for someone.

I asked SvetLanka many times to don't it but she kept on saying it and she had upset me when she told
that i do jealous her to Name-nik in their Lesbian relationship.
I'm person with 100% normal sexual orientation and by this words SvetLanka made me down as woman and upset
me as Christian person.

In reasons that such kind of relationship were suggested on SMB by Svetlanka twice, it is a very high
possibility that similar offers by her to other members here are possible. We have a fun site with very many young
people and it's appear to be very dangerous in this case.

As site owner and keeper SMB as clean place for our young simmers from such kind of relationship
i cannot give an access to SvetLanka on my board, where she will be able to access PMs, private emails,
MSN addy of our SMB members. As well SvetLanka posted sexual posts replies like "thank you for sex-holiday" etc
and i cannot keep her access to SMB at all. Her account will be closed.

- By words of SvetLanka her husbend Jay supports such kind of relationship.

- SvetLanka announced myself as lier many times, that she works here as slave on me and she doesn't
accept that, Name-nik and other her friends work on me as slave too and she had build
this people via MSN to register on curtain site The Simming Shores to share there and to reply. The reason of it
was accusing me in "jealously" that people want to upload on other sites and not on my site with aim to hurt me.
It's fully unfair and untrue. We have many people not only Svet's friends who is sharing here and on many
other sites too, they are featured here, got helped here etc.

We have people who promised share here as fully exclusive or partly exclusive to SMB. Exclusive should be exclusive.
If you gave us your word that this item is exclusive or your creations (older or new) are exclusive to SMB,
please keep your word. And of course exclusive item to SMB must be NOT uploaded on other site, else it isn't
exclusive. Please keep in your mind if you say "exclusive item to SMB" it means you made gift to members of SMB.
And as you know gift cannot be taken away. About other your creations we don't care where you like to upload them
to support any other site.

- Name-nik had difficulties with moderation, helped less last few month, didn't featured anyone here at all, except
of SvetLanka's creations. By SvetLanka's words she was afraid to moderate and was tired to work here as slave.
By SvetLanka's word she always complained about SMB, Administration and site owner (me), she announced us
that she is tired to work here and tired from uploading here on SMB. And not only for Svet you told it Name-nik, just for everyone, how is bad on SMB, no thankyou for work etc. But if it's so bad, why you want any moderators privileges? Don't do here anything and do on other sites. Just say to me: "No Katy, i cannot moderate and upload on SMB anymore". It's all what was needed from you. But except of it you go to other people to complain about us and swear on us.
By this actions you run the reputation of SMB down.
As well by Svet's word Name-nik and Svet were not willing to share on SMB anymore. But not only this statement gave the reason to take their forums away.
By all this words SvetLanka had build me as person against of Name-nik, losing her reputation in my eyes.
As well for a few month Name-nik didn't uploaded anything at all due no time.

By all this reasons she was removed from moderators
and resident creators duty. She had with me deal to upload 1 house in month alike with other tasks regarding of Super Moderator,
and she didn't no any one upload here since April. One or 2 tasks cannot be excuse in eyes of those who does much more
and donated too or uploaded more for this time: objects, recolors, tutorials.

Name-nik, you are always repeating: "are you telling me who my friends should be?".
As Christian person, as human and as woman in common i have full rights to say my opinion to you and tell that
you should clear out the points for yourself who is friend for you: real friend, woman-lover or your patient.
If you choose "friend" with "friendship" based on bisexual level, it's the problem of your soul. You don't have a friend,
you have wrong friendship.
You always want from us the proofs of Svet's words, but you never proofed else yourself.
I had spoke with you and you disapproved the words of SvetLanka just by your words. You announced that Svetlanka
had lied me and commit slander about you in my eyes. Else you lied me on my trustful and honestly question when
i came to you with this problem and was ready to solve it softly. You promised to talk with SvetLanka about it
one day and next day you told you didn't it.

I hope in one day you will step back from this wrong way what you have choose.

if Svet's statement about you is right and if your actions run the reputation of SMB down i have to close your account.
It's my duty as site owner towards kids who is registered here and toward reputation of our staff-members. I wish to have my site clean
from this point of view. For such things exist other sites who support it, or who will pray about you both, but the
propose of my site is simming, fun, sharing and keeping it clean.

For those who doubts. SMB will not end and it doesn't matter if I will here on the site or not! One year done and people come
here not because of me or my creations but because of SMB, Sims2, willing to share or to work here, willing to have fun.
It doesn't matter if I will not on SMB. Many people will be here, many people will contribute here. And no one of you is able
to build currently everyone on MSN or email or via PM against of SMB or staff-team of SMB else you have to sit down full day on
MSN and keeping on saying to everyone how is bad SMB and please join other site. But with it remember that you are a member of SMB,
that means you are the part of this Community.
SMB will not end, it's just a personal wish of someone here.

Everyone who thinks that his account must be closed here, please announce me in PM and I will do so. I cannot react fast
on MSN i feel worst everyday and my headache never goes away. I closed my email address too.
I will read only PMs 1 time in few days. So i'm sorry if i will consider not so fast as you expect.

Best wishes to you all


Вот так и живем.

Положа руку на сердце, на библию, на - что угодно, я подтверждаю:
Я люблю!!!

На все остальное, ну, вы меня поняли.

Кстати, мне кажется тут нарушено, как минимум два пункта закона:
вторжение в личную жизнь и публичное распространение...
Ау, юристы, сформулируйте, плиз, правильно.:)

И, кстати, вы заметили - опять Германия.

Вопрос: Чернышевский - Что делать?
1. Забить 
11  (73.33%)
2. Сидеть бояться :) 
1  (6.67%)
3. Поехать в Германию, посмотреть в глаза этому человеку 
3  (20%)
4. Свой вариант - напишу в комментарии. 
0  (0%)
Всего:   15

@музыка: Сурганова - Мураками

@настроение: разноцветно-мигающее, как гирлянда на новогодней елке.

@темы: Люди, Негатив